2003年9月26日 星期五

「長者」路 - 小天使

時光飛逝,轉眼間已踏上長者路!還記得舊年恩泉放「暑假」時有點不明白為何要放暑假。但經過一年充實的生活後,真的感到放暑假是必需的。 八月的時候去了英國旅行,在參與彌撒後順手拿了教堂內的Newsletter閱讀,巧合地看到堂區神父寫下一篇關於放假的文章。現節錄如下: August is upon us, and whatever your plans, you cannot fail to be affected by the season - it's holiday time! …… Which is as it should be. My hope is that most of you will find time for a break. We need to give ourselves space, to spend time on ourselves rather than everyone else, to step back form our problems. If we are to work effectively, we need a season not working. Even our Lord went off to lonely places, and made extended social calls upon his friends Lazarus, Martha and Mary. A holiday challenges our mind to absorb new experiences, inspires us with a different set of priorities, reminds us that our true worth is not just measured by what we produce. And, as we know, the main point of a holiday is to come home renewed with enthusiasm for our familiar surroundings. And if you're not going on holiday - enjoy the change of routine. There is a delicious sluggishness to an August day in London, and I'd recommend that at least part of it is spent in the ice cream parlour at Fortnum & Mason. It's a time to enjoy our marvellous city, which now offers so much to the appreciative visitor …… August - a month to delight in Creation, in the beauty of nature and the ingenuity of man. Whatever you're doing, enjoy it, and offer it up as a hymn of praise to God. 現在的香港人生活十分忙碌,一星期工作七天也是很普遍的事。但從聖經記載天主在最初的六天裡創造天地,而衪自己也在第七天休息。天主既是全能的神,所以衪已洞察我們的需要,作我們的榜樣,使我們能夠效法衪。 現今雖然資訊發達,但社會經濟不景及鼓吹享樂主義,所以我們的時間很容易被現世的誘惑所吸引。我們有時會花時間閱讀朋友透過互聯網傳送過來的電子郵件,但有些郵件是沒有意義的。我們亦會為了自我增值而去進修,報讀一些和工作上有關的課程。社會上物質主義盛行,我們會否為了追求享樂而忽略了別人的需要呢? 禱文 主啊,求你讓我們在繁忙的生活中都能夠時刻紀念你,恆常祈禱,並且在禱告中把一切憂慮交託給你,學習凡事信靠,凡事盼望。主啊,求你使我們充滿聖神,克服一切誘惑,在生活上尋求你的聖意。我們既分亨了你的愛,也讓我們將這份愛和喜樂帶給別人。 小天使 (26.9.2003)

